As a healer, Peg passionately believes that every human being has an inherent goodness that guides them throughout life. She sees each person as possessing a special  Light that shines from within, but sometimes, the struggles of existence can dim that light and leave individuals feeling lost and disconnected.

Peg's mission is to help people rediscover their inner glow by providing them with the necessary tools and support to overcome whatever obstacles they might face. She believes that with a little guidance and encouragement, everyone has the capacity to unlock their full potential and live a fulfilling life. By working closely with her clients, she helps them build confidence and self-love, enabling them to move forward with renewed hope and vitality.

Peg’s ultimate goal is to inspire others to Shine brightly and spread their light to others, making the world a better place for everyone. Whether you're dealing with self-doubt, anxiety, or simply feeling stuck, Peg is there to offer a helping hand and help you rediscover your unique sparkle.

Are you ready to Shine Your Light? 

Free "Light Within" 


Peaceful Dragonfly Healing offers a free guided meditation to help individuals discover their inner light. By accepting this offer, individuals will also be added to the company's exclusive mailing list, which is used to inform subscribers about upcoming workshops, classes, and deals. However, subscribers can unsubscribe from the list at any time.

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”  ~ Marianne Williamson

 "Nothing can dim the Light that shines from within." 

                                ~Maya Angelou

 Hi I'm Peg!

Allow me to lead you towards a mystical realm where the voice of your soul will provide guidance and you will discover your inner strength.

By attentively listening to your words, I understand your pain and unease, and I am gaining insight into how you create your challenges. I draw upon my personal experiences and growth, as well as the tools I have acquired throughout the years.

My approach is guided by intuition, enabling me to select the appropriate tools to assist you in resolving your problems, breaking free from outdated patterns, beliefs, and restrictive decisions. Consequently, you will be able to enter a more fulfilling and joyful existence, resonating with unlimited possibilities, refreshed perspectives, and self-awareness.

Together, we will unlock the door to change and transformation, while discovering your path towards liberation and new ways of living.

Transformational Healing & Coaching

Are you caught in the web of resistance, struggling to find your way out of the darkness and into the Light? Are you suffering from deeply rooted emotional pain and hurt from your past? If the old ways aren’t working anymore, Dragonfly may be showing up asking you to pay attention to those neglected, unwarranted , and often times, overwhelming emotions.

 If you have found your way to this page, perhaps Dragonfly has come to signify you are ready for change and transformation.

Through Transformational Healing & Coaching, I will help you heal your heart, learn forgiveness, find your self-worth, gain independence, financial abundance and freedom, security, success, and more…

Each time you remember the Truth of who you are, You bring more  Light into the world.

Let the transformation begin!

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